A morning walk, time for solitude, time to think…

Exmouth Beach this morning…
After I drop my son at school, I go for a walk. Apart from avoiding the rush hour traffic for my return home I try to walk somewhere beautiful. This walk makes for a great start to my day. I walk alone, sometimes for 15 minutes, sometimes an hour, if I have the time; I reflect on what is going on in my life, the lovely people in it, what I will do that day, sometimes I wrestle with the more difficult issues. Alone and moving in the great outdoors is the best place to work things out, it is a quiet time for me and I love it. The view this morning was beautifully inspiring and this can help! But, I have also found that the habit of creating some time for solitude at the start of every day can have profoundly positive effects on the whole day, no matter where I am.
We are all leaders. In our families, in our workplaces and in our own lives. Creating time for some solitude provides a space to slow down, to reflect, to plan, to become better leaders.
Solitude, its importance and how to maximise its benefits is a theme I will come back to. For now, if you have a chance, find some time to be alone, to reflect, think, plan - and if you can do this whilst moving in the great outdoors, so much the better!