Personal Development
‘We must become the change
we want to see.’
Mahatma Gandhi
Learn to be the best version of yourself,
in your energy, work and personal lives.
Areté is the Greek goddess of virtue and knowledge. As a concept, Areté can be defined as moral excellence or virtue, I like to think of it as expressing the best version of ourselves moment to moment to moment.
So, living with Areté means closing the gap between who we are actually being in any given moment and who we are really capable of being.
I help people to close the gap between where they are now and where they want to get to in their lives. This has included supporting people to identify their values, clarify their higher purpose and goals and then achieve them. To pass selection processes, improve performance, work to advance or change their careers. Or to improve their health and wellbeing, or their personal lives.
So, if you want to flourish, to achieve Eudaimonia through Areté, and would like some support - get in touch.